Japan Society of Competitive Intelligence was established as a non-profit organization (NPO) in February, 2008, in recognition of the growing need for Competitive Intelligence (CI) research in Japan and for cooperating with US, EU and China, such as SCIP (Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals) and the Institute for Competitive Intelligence in Germany. SCIP Japan was established by Kenji Maeda, former Commissioner of Police of Metropolitan Tokyo in April, 2001, but its activity as the Japanese branch of SCIP became difficult in 2006. As the result, Japan Society of Competitive Intelligence was established in February, 2008 with the mission of furthering research on CI in Japan and disseminating the results.
Main activities
- Various meetings and seminars to spread knowledge about CI.
- Annual conference to disseminate members’ research.
- Specialized activities to promote CI activities and research.
- Exchanges with inside and outside research institutions concerning CI activity in various country, including information exchange and joint research.
- Additionally, activities deemed necessary by members.
Main Business Activities
- Education, training, and project proposals for managers, executives, specialists and entrepreneurs.
- Publications on various CI topics.
- Additionally, other business deemed necessary by members.
Kinds of Membership
- Regular member: Individuals and groups that agree to the purpose of this academic society, who possess the right to vote in the general meeting.
- Supporting member: Individuals or groups that agree to the purpose of this academic society and support it, but do not possess the right to vote in the general meeting.
Admission Fee and Annual Membership Fee
(1)Regular Member
Admission fee (Charge when joining) | 2,000 yen |
Annual membership fee | 10,000 yen | |
(2)Supporting member
Admission fee (Charge when joining ) | 10,000 yen |
Annual membership fee | 30,000 yen |
Address: 25-17 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0031, Japan
Phone:81-3-3463-4162 Fax:81-3-3463-4128
E-Mail: intelligence@jsci.or.jp
The Board of Directors and Officers
Position | Name | Profession |
Supreme Adviser | Kazuya Matsudaira |
Founder, Pride Co., Ltd.
Doctor (Informatics)
Honorary President | Yoshio Sugasawa |
Former Professor, Graduate School of Nihon University. Doctor of Engineering
President | Fumiyuki Takahashi |
Professor, Japan University of Economics.
Doctor (Informatics)
Vice President | Naoya Hirano |
Former Senior Managing Director of INTEC Inc.
Vice President | Tetsuo Kashima |
Former Lecturer, Graduate School of Kokushikan University
Director | Shigeru Yajima |
Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate school of Japan University of Economics
Director | Yohihito Takahashi |
Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Senshu University.
Director | Itten Soma |
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Social Welfare. Doctor (Business Administration)
Director | Takashi Tsurumi | Former professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
Director | Takashi Saito |
Executive Advisor (DX Strategy), knowledge piece Inc.
Director | Takashi Masaki |
Part-time lecturer
Graduate School of Japan University of Economics
Auditor | Hiroshi Ito |
Representative Lawyer, Phoenix Lawyer Corporation
Adviser | Juro Nakagawa |
Chairman, Japan Business Intelligence Association